Where is the Story ?
I tend to dwell on this question, having seen/taken thousands of images. Many tend to be just good general scenery shots without a story.
Do you take “general” shots without a real story. If your image was less expansive, and you zeroed in….. Ah, there is the story. Let me provide some examples.

In the first two Images…… the one with two windmills…. nice “general shot” and perhaps setting the scene….whereas the story in the second shot provides the mystery “What lies inside the door?”
In the second series the first image is a good general area image….. whereas the second image…..imagine you are sitting in the chair and looking at the balconies….who are those people ? what are they doing?
So now it is time for you to practice….. start producing images with real stories…. (remember, too, always straight horizons)
Best wishes